Saturday, November 27, 2010


Hey Everyone!

The cupcakes have been a Success! I have made many dozen cupcakes ALL MADE BY ME! It has been a lot of work and long nights but I have honestly enjoyed every minute baking. I have also decided that the money will go to Mt Pleasant animal shelter in East hanover, NJ. Now I would like to share the names of the people who have been so AWESOME to donate:

Week 1 (11/15- 11/20)

Rob “RJ” - $50

The Carswell Family- $40

Amy- $30

Amanda- $15

Flip- $5

Nimyah- $5

Mario- $5

Week 2 (11/22- 11/27)

Amy- $30

Siri- $20

Brian- $15

Cocolo- $15

Hoyos Family- $10


Christina- $5

Rob $5

Cat's Friend- $5

And there are way more to come!

The Deadline to place orders will be December 13.

Here is picture of the cupcakes and the packaging:

Chocolate w/Chocolate frosting
My order of 24 cupcakes

*Special thanks to my sister and cousin's for helping me out on Tuesday night.

On other exciting news:

I’m really happy and excited to announce that me and my boyfriend Elson had our 8 year anniversary together this past Wednesday. We had a really nice day and at night the moon was prefect and dinner was really yummy, sadly later that night I got a bad cold and went to bed BUT the hubby has been taking good care of me. :-)

Todo list:

Baking 5 dozen cupcakes

Making a 2011 todo list

Interview locate indie bakers

Photoshoot for cupcakes

Work more on my home office space

*Currently listening to Florence + the Machine*




  1. woah, 8 years of marriage? awesome! and now i want a cupcake.

  2. no, 8 years of dating. thats our next step... Marriage :-)

  3. Hello! Just wanted to say that I love the name of your blog, and Florence + The Machine!
    We should follow each other!

  4. wow these all look so delicious.. I really want to sink my teeth into the chocolate one with marshmallows!

    love, polly :)

  5. hope you feel better :)

    that is sooo amazing that you are making all those cupcakes!!! keep it up!

  6. Following!
    Nice to meet you new friend!

  7. you've been dating for 8 years!? thats longer than most marriages, you have to get married soon!!! (would make a great blogpost! :P)

    and wow congratualtions on making all thos cupcakes, thats great that you're sending the money to an animal shelter!

  8. congrats for a successful batch of cupcakes. by the looks of it, it's drool worthy! :D
