Monday, September 27, 2010

Surgery can’t stop me from Blogging

Something unexpected happen last weekend… I had a bad pain on my side by the appendix area on Saturday Sept 18 around 5pm. The pain continued and around 10pm and my boyfriend suggested to go to the emergency room, I agreed. On my visit to the ER the doctor suggested to get an ultra sound. After the ultra sound was done the doctor told me the pain was caused by a mass near my right ovary, he admitted me into the hospital for observation and gave me 3 antibiotics. Sunday morning I was weak but felt better. Sunday night wasn’t so great I had bad pains again. I told the OBGYN Monday morning about the pain and he said “We need to send you into surgery to know what exactly is causing the pain because the mass is covering it” and into surgery I went.

They found a cyst that burst near my ovary which was what caused the pain but they also found a benign tumor bigger then my uterus. Scary!? YES but everything will be ok and I am happy it’s not going to cause any risk to my health. I’m not really sure when I am going back to surgery to remove the benign tumor but I’m just happy the pain is not as bad as that day.

As of now I’m on the road to recovery . Just got to take it slow…

Look at all the beautiful gifts I got from my co-workers, family and friends.

My boyfriend’s birthday was this past weekend (Sept 24th) and this was the cake my mom got him so cute!

Love you Hubby.

I also painted, BUT I can’t reveal it yet… it’s a surprise for my friend. I’m really looking forward to showing it to you all next week. J

BTW -I have a new idea…to bake cupcakes once a week until x-mas..calling it

12 weeks of cupcakes

(Its an idea right now but more details still to come.)


  1. What a lovely idea! 12 weeks of cupcakes sounds fun! I'm really glad that you are feeling better friend. You had me worried for a second there. Be well and keep that mind busy.

  2. glad to hear you are doing better now! restup&take care.

  3. G & I wanna visit you. Trying to look for a ride.

  4. Glad to hear you're alright. That cupcakes idea sounds delicious.

  5. I'm glad to hear that you are ok!! How scary!

  6. Wow, you are industrious! Starting 12 weeks of cupcakes along with doing the Abby Sweets 2nd annual "12 weeks of Christmas Cookies." What a sweet home you will have!

  7. i'm glad you're going to be ok! and wow you have a positive attitude. the 12 weeks of cupcakes idea is basically pure brilliance, DO IT!~

  8. Great to here you are doing well...
    By the way love the title of this post ha ha!

    xx Black Adder Fashion

  9. first off, there's only 12 weeks until xmas??? so excited!
    so glad you're ok after your surgery:) you know what is strange... this happened to one of my friend's friend (ya, confusing) just last week too! kind of crazy to hear about it twice in one week.
    hope you're feeling better and have a lovely weekend:)
